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The Importance of Creating a Daily Routine

The Importance of Creating a Daily Routine

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Daily workouts for the Face are as important as it would be if we wanted to keep our body fit. I understand it is difficult to constantly workout our our body, but it should be relatively easy to do for our face. It only requires a mirror, your hands and 15 minutes of your time.

However, what happens to us if we find it difficult to do? We need motivation to make it our habit, this is the key.

The Importance of Creating a Daily Routine


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When you first come to Studio Carme, Carme discusses your goals and assesses your facial ageing to enable her to create a tailored program for you. Most classes are conducted on a 1:1 basis or group. I follow my clients closely to make sure they come to the studio to learn the exercises within 8 weeks.

  • In the first class, the client feels the face with the touch and we do an overall facial workout to feel what it feels like to work out your facial muscles. It is a basis on which we will move forward to the next level.
  • In the second class, I add facial exercises with resistance as we need to create volume around the cheeks to lift them up and therefore lift the jaw line. The client already familiar with the basic movements then starts building volume.
  • The third class, which normally is about 4 weeks after starting the classes, is an intense workout. The face has been training for a month and can execute a serial of movements but now is the time to work on the ‘core of the face’.
  • Normally, in the fourth class we work on facial routines. All the exercises are organized by areas and the client can remember them by Eyes and Forehead, Cheeks, Chin and Neck and Core.
  • Clients come for Refresher classes and to expand on new exercises I create so we can better tackle the signs of facial ageing.

“I love going to Studio Carme for my facial fitness classes, the studio is welcoming and inviting for you to have a good workout. Carme is professional and diligent in the way she teaches the repertoire of exercises, she makes you work hard and her focus is essential to make sure I am using the right muscles. I am learning and my facial muscles feel stronger only after 6 weeks!” – Pascale M.-C.

The Importance of Creating a Daily Routine


Return to What Do You Need To Know About The Facial Fitness Class?

Facial Fitness needs to become a habit, only 15 minute daily routines effortless. It needs to be a life skill that the client does daily or every other day like brushing your teeth or hair.

It is important to begin and do the routines regularly as the face is the same as the body, but the difference is that we see our faces every day and our face makes first impressions on people… so if you were to work some place in your body it should be the face. It should be the priority.

At the beginning, you need to set a regular time you will do the exercises either in the morning, evening or midday. Then have a pleasant place at home to sit down with a mirror as you learn the exercises and use a nice oil for the massage.

How do I motivate my clients to keep up with the exercises?

  • It is essential that the first 3 classes are done within a month. The face starts a program that delivers results quicker than any other one, within only 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Motivation is a mind and body connection, the most important is believing that you can make the change.
  • Take photos at the beginning of the classes and after 8 weeks to see the change
  • Set physical goals you want to achieve like improving your jawline or neck
  • Try to organise your schedule and set a time for your facial exercises and make sure you keep at it! It will be better 3 days a week than none.
  • While the clients are learning, I provide online support with technical videos so they can see exactly the movements and how to exercise properly. It is about repetitions, holding and release the muscles.  Sometimes it’s easier to have a visual reminder of how it is done.  Following the videos ensures you complete all the exercises in a routine.
  • As you are entitled to online support, the workout can therefore be done anywhere and anytime. It is key to stay motivated!

View before and after photos 

“I had a great time learning how to do facial exercises with Carme. The program is well structured and you eventually learn how to separately use the various muscles in the face. Carme’s instructions are very clear and I did not find it difficult to follow. I think this is a great tool to have for life as you get older. My husband has been telling me how beautiful I look lately, so it’s definitely working!”

The Importance of Creating a Daily Routine


Return to What Do You Need To Know About The Facial Fitness Class?

Variety of exercises for the face is as important as variety for the body. I aim for my clients to learn a set of routines for each area of the face. These routines are well structure, quick to do and easy to remember. If you do the different sets every week, you end up working out all the facial muscles.

I also teach stretching exercises for the neck and face as well as facial massage to relax the facial muscles. We all feel so much better after a massage, more relaxed and this applies to the face. The massage has several different variations to keep the routine fresh.